About the children

Julia - 20 months old


Julia, 20 months old, lived with her foster carers since she was first born.

She has lovely blonde hair and big blue eyes and has lots of smiles for people around her.

She is an active little girl who loves push-along toys, music, stories and playing with her dolls.

Before she was adopted, Julia thrived in a foster home and developed very well, although slightly delayed because of poor vision. This doesn’t stop her curiosity in the world around her. She is a sociable little girl who loves adult attention.  

Before and after Julia was born, her parents were affected by drug addiction and suffered poor mental health. We don't known how much this affected Julia’s development and therefore she needed an adoptive family who accepted her developmental uncertainties and were able to provide her with love and care as she grows up. Julia has some visual impairment and needs help from her adoptive parents to understand everything around her, as she can become startled by sudden noises.

*Julie's story is loosely based on real life situations of children needing adopted.