About the children

Leo - three years old

Leo has been adopted, this is his story:

Leo has had several moves, living with his birth mother, grandmother, and another foster placement before moving to his current foster carers at two years old. Leo has four older siblings – the two eldest are teenagers and live with an aunt. His eight-year-old brother is in a long-term foster placement. Leo has letterbox contact with his older siblings and sees his brother once every few months. It is hoped these arrangements will continue post-adoption.

Leo has always been a very picky eater, and he receives the support of a dieticians. Leo can be sensitive to loud noises and can get overwhelmed in busy environments, so his foster carers tend to take him to quieter places. Leo sleeps well. Leo has mild delays in some areas of his development and due to his elder sibling’s diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) there are queries about whether Leo might also be affected. Leo has been referred for an ASD assessment, but it could be some time before this is completed.

Leo is described by his foster carers as being a little character who makes them laugh every day and who lights up a room with his cheeky smile. Leo’s two favourite things are dinosaurs and Thomas the Tank Engine. Leo loves going out for walks in the forest and looking for squirrels. He is an affectionate boy who will ask for cuddles. He likes helping his foster carer around the house but can also play well independently.

Leo needs a family who can support him to meet his full potential and who can manage the developmental uncertainty. He will need to be supported to maintain links with his siblings.