Young people's stories

A letter to my foster mum

Mum with foster daughter

Dear Mum

You stepped into my life when times were really hard. When I first saw you I knew that you were gonna help me through all the tough and rough times. I knew I needed you and I knew you were the one. When I first saw you, you were really loving and caring and you are the best mum I could ask for. You are perfect. Everything about you I like. If someone asked me “who is your favourite person?“, I would always say "my mum". There will never be a time I would ever say someone else. It's been over 4 years since I have stayed with you and it's been the best four years of my life. I know we have arguments and disagreements all the time, but we always make up afterwards. You have done everything for me too. Buying me clothes, taking me out to nice places, feeding me and getting me something to drink etc.  And these are all the basic things that I didn't get when I wasn't staying with you, and you have given it all to me starting the first day I came and stayed with you.

Love Katy x